Migas con Chorizo y Limon Recipe

Migas, in Spain and Portugal at least is a meal that uses up left over bread. Originally eaten as a breakfast dish, it is now included as lunch , as tapas or as an evening meal. The following recipe is very much a dwarfish take on the migas manchegas and includes bacon ( in this case actually it is jamon serrano and chorizo). This is not a New World migas. From a dwarfish point of view it is an ideal opportunity to use up that rarest of commodities, leftover bread (technically pretty much an oxymoron in its own right) with meat, real meat that is.
- 300g stale bread
- 300g chorizo
- 50g jamon serrano thinly sliced and diced
- 1 large red onion
- 1 large red pepper
- Some black olives
- Olive oil
- 1 salt-preserved lemon
- 4 cloves garlic
- Some dried oregano
- Greek yoghurt
- Smoked paprika
Break up the stale bread in to bit size chunks and set aside.
Chop up the salted lemon into small pieces, keeping some of the juice. NOTE: These are salty beasts so only add the juice if you think the dish is not salty enugh for your tastes. DO NOT ADD ANY ADDITIONAL SALT TO THIS DISH as it will make it unpalatable.
Chop the red onion roughly (i.e not fine diced but chopped with dwarfish attitude). In a large pan ( we use the base of a metal tagine), add a good portion of oil and heat until , well hot I suppose. Add the onion and stir to prevent sticking or burning. Turn down the heat(or move to the cooler plate on the Aga) and allow to cook for about 5 minutes.
Peel, crush and chop the garlic and also slice the chorizo into rounds.
Add both meats and garlic to the pan and stir in with the onions and cook for a further 5 minutes or so.
Add the chunks of stale bread and olives and a good pinch of dried oregano and mix in well, adding more olive oil as you see fit - this is a dish rich in olive oil!
Keep over a low heat for a further 10 minutes, checking occasionally to make sure that it is not sticking. Add the salted lemon and stir in.
Meanwhile chop up the pepper into whatever size pieces you prefer and then add to the pan with the olives. Cover and put in oven for a further 10 to 20 minutes.
Serve with some Greek yoghurt and a sprinkling of smoked paprika. Perhaps a little lollo rosso.

There is a real risk of over salting this dish. Jamon and salted lemons and olives all hold a lot of salt so don't even think about adding any extra and go carefully with the quantities of preserved lemons. The other main variables are the amount of chorizo you want to include, the degree of staleness of the bread which can vary cooking time and the amount of olive oil you are happy to add to the meal. Watch pout for the amount of salted lemon that you add as well. It is a rich meal in principle
Source: Try salt preserved lemons here.